
Variables are at length described in the Command section where they are produced and in the Block section where they are consumed.

If oatbar is running and you have added a few commands, you can see all available variables using oatctl command:

$ oatctl var ls
clock:value=Mon Jul  8 00:40:19
desktop:window_title.full_text=window: Alacritty
desktop:workspace.full_text=workspace: 1

More info on how to get and set variables programmatically:

$ oatctl var help

Standalone variables

You can declare your additional variables that do not come from commands. This is useful to pre-process data with replace and replace_first_match to be used in multiple blocks.

value = '${clock:color}'
replace = [["(.+)","foreground='$1'"]]

value = "<span ${clock_color_attr}>${clock:value}</span>"

Standalone variables can use each other only in the order they are declared in the file, otherwise the result is undefined.


Filters are additional functions you can apply to values inside of the ${...} expressions. Example:

value = '${desktop:window_title.value|def:(no selected window)|max:100}'

Supported filters:

  • def sets the default value if the input variable is empty
  • max limits the length of the input. If it is larger, it is shortened with ellipsis (...)
  • align aligns the text to occupy fixed width if it is shorter than a certain length
    • First character is the filler
    • Second character is an alignment: <, ^ (center) or >
    • Min width
    • Example:
      • hello passed via align:_>10 will be _____hello